The Analytical Perspective July 2020

The Analytical Perspective

Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Analytical Perspective

July 2020

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Oliver Wyman's "Analytical Perspective," a new analytics (and beyond) newsletter from the Actuarial Practice! We have heard feedback from several key leaders in the insurance analytics / actuarial community that there is not a communication tailored to their needs. As a result, our newsletter is custom designed for the insurance analytics / actuarial community. Our newsletter will focus on analytics / actuarial topics, but also on emerging issues in the insurance industry.

We hope you enjoy our inaugural issue!

Is Coronavirus Covered By Workers’ Compensation In The US?

By Dennis Tierney, National Director of Workers’ Compensation Claims for Marsh Claims Practice and Marsh’s Workers’ Compensation Center of Excellence and Christine Williams, Managing Director of Workers’ Compensation Center of Excellence at Marsh

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is proving challenging for businesses in many ways, and the impact on the United States’ workers’ compensation systems could ultimately be among the most significant. Workers’ compensation is the largest premium segment in the U.S. commercial insurance market, mandated by law in 49 states. The pandemic holds the potential to bring higher costs and greater administrative burdens into the workers’ compensation process for many employers, while at the same time generating anxiety for injured employees, whether dealing with pandemic-related or other illnesses and injuries.

Unquork Is Taking The Code Out Of Development

Oliver Wyman’s Farooq Sheikh recently connected with Gary Hobermann, CEO, Unqork on the startup’s rapid growth and momentum during 2019.  

Unqork is changing the way enterprises build applications. The startup’s proprietary platform has been helping Fortune 100 financial services and insurance companies to improve productivity and get products to market faster—without a single line of code.

Yes, we said no code.

The Industrial Athlete And Next-Leveling Safety In The Workplace

By Esther Becker, Brett Nunes, Dominic Dillingham

The Fourth Industrial Revolution – where distinctions between the physical, digital, and biological worlds are blurred – is now. What does that mean for employers and their human capital?

Oliver Wyman analyzes how companies can get ahead of workplace injuries and take their risk management to the “next level” in protecting valuable employees’ health while improving productivity and profitability.

How Companies Can Approach Recruiting During Coronavirus

By Sanjoe JoseCEO of Talview

While the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on many industries by forcing them to downsize their workforces, others are seeing the reverse effect. Health care, food and pharmacy retail and supply chain industries — jobs that are absolutely essential in this crisis — are still hiring by the thousands.