Reducing Premiums And Expanding Enrollment In The Individual Health Insurance Market In 2021

Reducing Premiums And Expanding Enrollment In The Individual Health Insurance Market In 2021

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has successfully extended coverage to many people who had no access to individual health coverage prior to 2014. However, many people are faced with unaffordable or unattractive options if they have moderate incomes and do not have access to employer or publicly sponsored health coverage.

Oliver Wyman has analyzed options that would help to improve the individual market and make individual health coverage more affordable to a broader portion of the population. In our report, we provide an overview of the individual health insurance market and its current challenges and we discuss options available to help improve this market. Oliver Wyman Actuaries have utilized a proprietary micro-simulation model to illustrate the impact these proposals could have on the market. 


Reducing Premiums And Expanding Enrollment In The Individual Health Insurance Market In 2021