Global CEOs and senior leaders face complex and uncertain situations as contradictions, challenges, and opportunities continue to multiply each year. This article, published in People & Strategy, outlines the key drivers of uncertainty and complexity and how best to tackle the weaknesses that lead to personal and organizational derailment.
Insights Is Money All That Matters? A nation’s human-capital policies must be agile and adaptable, yet effective enough to drive national-scale transformation. -
Insights Turning A Crisis Into A Catalyst For Change Ferran Reverter Planet is Chief Executive Officer of the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group, Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. -
Journals Changing Consumers, New Opportunities We interviewed global senior retail executives for the Retail And Consumer Journal, Volume 8, on the pandemic challenges they faced and the new opportunities it provided. -
Insights Applying The Urgency Of Solving COVID To Climate Change As we emerge from COVID-19, let’s harness the necessary spirit of collective endeavor in our fight for a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future.