B2City: The Next Wave of Urban Logistics

B2City: The Next Wave of Urban Logistics

As cities continue to grow, both in terms of population and resource needs, they are running up against what will become one of the increasingly important questions of the 21st century: How to manage that growth sustainably.

With continuing urbanization trend, 70 percent of the world’s population expected to be living in cities by 2050. With growth of cities, their need for infrastructure to support the flow of goods and people will increase in line with other resource needs. Even today, sustainability is quickly becoming not an option but a necessity — and, Oliver Wyman believes, an opportunity to profitably remake both cities and the industries they support. This article discusses one key challenge of urbanization: how to handle the increasing flow of physical goods into cities sustainably.

Oliver Wyman is committed to supporting the public and private sectors in developing solutions to increase resource productivity and sustainability worldwide. Oliver Wyman’s new Sustainability & Resource Productivity Initiative has developed a quick-scan tool that can rapidly estimate the applicability and potential impact for various stakeholders of sustainability solutions such as city logistics planning, based on the assessment of key questions.

B2City: The Next Wave of Urban Logistics