The energy sector has experienced tremendous positive momentum during a very prosperous economic expansion. But even as energy companies make exceptional profits each quarter, they face new challenges, including peaking hydrocarbon prices, new competitors, rising costs that raise capital project hurdle rates, and requirements for bigger, riskier offshore, deep water, or pure exploration bets. As a result, it is more important than ever for energy executives to think about risk in a strategic context.
Insights Applying The Urgency Of Solving COVID To Climate Change As we emerge from COVID-19, let’s harness the necessary spirit of collective endeavor in our fight for a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future. -
Insights A Brand Voice That Rises Above Interview with Steve Henig, Chief Customer Officer at Wakefern -
Insights Climate Transition And The Fed Oliver Wyman's Douglas J. Elliott takes a look at the Federal Reserve and the new focus on climate change risk -
Insights Future Of Financial Intelligence Sharing Overview of concepts and recent technical developments relevant to privacy preserving analytics and includes ten case studies