As the industry moves forward, players must consider strategic positioning in an environment marked by an accelerating pace of change. With more demanding and tech-savvy borrowers, continued FinTech interest across the value chain, and a pronounced rise in technology investment from incumbents, tomorrow’s mortgage market is sure to look vastly different than today’s.
This compilation of recent Oliver Wyman mortgage perspectives helps make sense of recent trends as well as outlines future developments likely to take place in our industry. We draw on research from a number of sources, including consumer survey work, numerous interviews with industry experts and executives, mystery shopping, site walk-arounds, and plenty of healthy debate with colleagues and clients. Each piece offers viewpoints on a distinct aspect of this dynamic market.
The US mortgage industry has changed dramatically since the global financial crisis. While much of banking has continued its decades-long consolidation, the post-crisis origination market has been characterized by increasing fragmentation as well as the resurrection of nonbank lenders.
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