The Future of Technology in Mortgage Originations

The Future of Technology in Mortgage Originations

Just like the sci-fi enthusiasts who for years have dreamed of levitating skateboards, jetpacks, and “Beam me up, Scotty,” mortgage executives have long had their own futuristic vision: the e-mortgage.

Since the early 1990s, voices in the industry have proclaimed that the paperless mortgage was just around the corner. And yet more than 20 years later, many mortgage institutions still rely on paper and green screens.

Today, thanks to new technology, the emergence of Fintechs, and the competitive origination market, a breakthrough finally seems imminent. Mortgage applications are becoming paperless, underwriting is increasingly automated via data-rich rules engines, and electronic closing has become a reality.

In The Future of Technology in Mortgage Originations we explore: What should mortgage institutions focus on in this new technology-enabled environment? What are the benefits that really matter? And what technological capabilities should they pursue? We interviewed more than 30 mortgage originators to answer these questions and found that while technology can be employed at many points along the mortgage origination customer journey, a few distinctive capabilities emerge from the pack.

The Future of Technology in Mortgage Originations