
Strategic Crisis Management

Governments are expected to be prepared for a wide range of possible crises and global shocks, and to handle them effectively should they arise. In response, Oliver Wyman’s is participating in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s High-Level Risk Forum.

This research effort is exploring how countries can best protect themselves from civil emergencies, supporting public safety, economic growth, and environmental integrity.

The report, OECD Risk Management: Strategic Crisis Management is the result of a 2012 workshop in Geneva attended by forty government and private sector risk managers.  With a focus on government-level strategic crisis management and drawing on case studies of particular systems, the report provides insights that can also be leveraged by private sector organisations.  Key relevant topics include

  • Strategic exercises and crisis preparedness
  • Emergency planning: scenario-based vs. capability-based
  • Crisis responses: command and control vs. adaptive capacities
  • Leveraging expertise in the face of new or complex crisis events
  • Frameworks for developing responses to novel crisis events

Strategic Crisis Management