Organizing for Growth in the Chemical Industry

Organizing for Growth in the Chemical Industry

Key organizational challenges in the industry.

While strategic issues impacting this sector have been analyzed at length, designing and implementing the right organization remains the key lever to both enable and achieve sustainable growth.

Major multinationals need to overcome the organizational challenges associated with:

  • Migrating from being a product- to solution- and service-provider, 
  • Achieving the right power and resource distribution between business lines, regions, and the corporate center,
  • Designing alternative organizational models to address new growth opportunities,
  • Putting in place the right organizational and management models in emerging countries
  • Implementing customer-oriented processes,
  • Tailoring customer-interaction models and channels,
  • Developing a growth-nurturing culture, 
  • Preparing for the future while delivering short-term results.

Oliver Wyman is currently conducting a study to further understand, qualify and quantify the required organizational levers and how they impact the long-term sustainable growth prospects within the chemicals and materials industries.



In partnership with ICIS, we issued a recent survey to a panel of more than 400 chemical executives. The findings reveal some of the organizational factors within companies that can lead to higher than average growth.

Download the article, which provides a preliminary view of recent growth results within the sector, and take part in the broader study.

On December 18th, 2013, we presented the results of our survey before Societe de Chimie members at the Yale Club in NYC. Review the presentation materials.

Partner team: Laurent Thomas, Joachim Krotz, Jerome Weill, Manuel Gonzalez.
Marketing manager: Jérémie  Dufoix

Organizing for Growth in the Chemical Industry