Creating Value Under Pressure: Why National Oil Companies Need Risk Management

Creating Value Under Pressure: Why National Oil Companies Need Risk Management

National Oil Companies (NOCs) in the Middle East are under pressure. Volatile crude oil prices, massive infrastructure programs, and rising domestic demand for energy relative to GDP are changing their competitive landscape.

And while it is not unusual for successful companies to be challenged to manage risk when making critical decisions regarding new investments, existing projects, and operations, for NOCs the stakes are even higher. Their actions can potentially change the futures of their countries. If NOCs wish to continue funding their governments’ visionary strategies in this new environment, they must develop sound risk governance practices.

About Global Risk & Trading:
Oliver Wyman's Global Risk & Trading practice enables the world's top industrial corporations and commodity trading organizations to gain competitive advantages by assisting them with managing risk across their businesses more effectively. By working with global leaders in a broad range of industries, our practice has developed unique capabilities that help industrial corporations and commodity trading organizations create value and maximize their performance by making risk-adjusted strategy, investment and capital allocation decisions.

Creating Value Under Pressure: Why National Oil Companies Need Risk Management