WE20 Virtual Conference
virtual event

WE20 Society of Women Engineers Virtual Conference

Date: November 2-13, 2020


The Society of Women Engineers’ WE20 is now a two-week virtual conference and career fair scheduled for November 2-13, 2020. WE20 provides a platform for women in engineering to gather with like-minded peers, share innovative ideas, make connections for career advancement and ultimately make strides in recruiting more women in engineering. Our colleague Elena Chiappa held a speech on 5th November talking about job planning in 2020.

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Not Your Mother’s Career Path: Job Planning 2020 and Beyond

When we compare the career paths of our parents and mentors to our own, one major difference jumps out: most of us won’t stay in the same place our whole career. This session will explore how to plan a career path through multiple organizations and industries, and work towards not just a dream job—but a wider range of dream responsibilities. We will use a functional model of career planning to identify key professional development needs for a variety of roles and different routes to fulfill them. This will help us address the challenges of career progression awaiting our generation as we aim onward and upward.