
Turning Logistics Networks Into Strategic Assets

An integrated approach between strategy and operations to efficiently redesign logistics networks.

Across many distribution sectors volatility is increasing: on the demand side due to the need to quickly meet changing consumer needs, and on the supply side due to the instability of energy/oil and commodity prices.

This volatility, together with ever-higher competitive pressures, is placing greater demands on distributors and other logistics operators to optimize their warehouse, fleet, and light manufacturing operations and turn them into a source of competitive advantage.

Working with distributors and transport logistics providers, we identified new strategies for improving competitiveness for operations. By viewing the network as a strategic asset, and applying an integrated approach that involves both the operations and sales departments, logistics providers can generate more benefits from existing customer relationships and from product and service innovations. Additionally, companies can derive competitive advantage and create more value by engaging senior management in the strategic decision making process for network management.

Turning Logistics Networks Into Strategic Assets

North American Edition UK Edition