Risk Management For Nonprofits

Risk Management For Nonprofits

The nonprofit sector can make dramatic improvements in risk management over the next few years – and bring more stability to vital programs.

Institutions ranging from nonprofit umbrella groups to regulators also support better risk management. This report outlines concrete steps that organizations can take to manage risk better. These recommendations come from a study of New York City nonprofits by SeaChange Capital Partners and Oliver Wyman on how to adapt private sector risk practices to nonprofits. It was motivated by recent failures and a concern that nonprofits face an increasing number of risks, including rising interest rates, the move to value-based payments in healthcare, and increased real estate costs. Organizations that don’t adopt better risk management may find themselves in an increasingly precarious situation.

Dylan Roberts – Partner, Oliver Wyman
George Morris – Partner, Oliver Wyman
John MacIntosh – Partner, SeaChange Capital Partners
Daniel Millenson – Associate, SeaChange Capital Partners

Risk Management For Nonprofits