Americas Retail Banking Digest Volume II

Americas Retail Banking Digest Volume II

In our Spring 2012 edition of the "Retail Banking Digest", we feature six articles that span the areas of mortgage finance, credit score migration, mobile payments, customer experience, pricing strategy and branch operations.

Please use the contact form below to request a full copy of the digest which includes the following articles:

US Mortgage Finance: What Should The Future Look Like?

The financial crisis exposed fundamental deficiencies in the US mortgage finance system. This article explores the set of options faced by policy makers for driving the evolution of the single-family home finance landscape and outlines the importance of clearly defined objectives in this redesign.

To request a copy of this report, please click here.

Mobile Payments: Aligning Strategy with Opportunity

Mobile payments are widely expected to become much more prevalent in the next few years, which will cause global players to examine their strategies and invest in new initiatives. This article describes the opportunities and threats for banks in both developing and developed markets, and how quickly change may unfold.

Client Experience: From Strategy to Execution

Recent economic times have reshaped the attitudes and needs of retail banking clients and catalyzed a significant and measurable negative customer sentiment towards the industry. This article describes the ‘client experience’ – and why banks’ increased focus on it is critical in today’s marketplace. It also shares a structured approach for designing and implementing an improved client experience, with efficiency and profitability in mind.

US Consumer Credit Score Migration: Observations and Implications for Credit Risk Management

A customer’s score can vary significantly across time due to a number of factors. This article discusses the effect of score change on default probability, score migration patterns and predictability and the implications of such changes on customer credit risk management.

Relationship Pricing: A Strong Lever to Deepen Customer Relationships – If Used Wisely

Customers who have more products with an FI – and thus deeper relationships – are shown to be more valuable. This article argues that instead of offering traditional price discounts to help deepen existing relationships, a relationship pricing approach should focus on customer relationships where incremental value can be derived and leverage both price and product offerings to drive desired behavior as the end goal.

Branch Flexing: An Agile Approach to Cost Management

Instead of simply cutting branches, retail banks must develop a more flexible operating model to manage against top line and cost objectives. This article describes different strategies of “branch flexing” and shows that unlike branch closing, branch flexing keeps the focus on preserving the sales and service experience for a bank’s best customers.

To request a copy of this report, please click here.

Americas Retail Banking Digest Volume II