What You Don’t Know (About the Euro Crisis) Will Hurt You

What You Don’t Know (About the Euro Crisis) Will Hurt You

The phrase, “The devil is in the detail”, may be a cliché but with regard to Euro crisis analysis it is spot on, perhaps for the insurance sector more than any other. The Euro crisis is a case where analysis rarely goes too far. We have seen too many insurers conduct initial, rough-cut analyses that led to a false sense of security.

In this Oliver Wyman publication, What You Don’t Know (About the Euro Crisis) Will Hurt You, we describe the “journey” taken by two fictitious insurers in assessing the impact of different Euro Crisis scenarios on their businesses. The article highlights some of the second- and third-order effects that must be taken into account to gain a credible picture of the risks – and opportunities.

What You Don’t Know (About the Euro Crisis) Will Hurt You