Navigating The Pandemic's Next Waves
Our latest report outlines why insurers will need a COVID-19 crisis war room to manage real-time decision-making as the pandemic continues. Whilst many companies have created a crisis war room focused on near-term operational issues, as these immediate issues settle the room should pivot to helping the business navigate through the coming months and years.

Executive Conversation Video Interview: Bruce Carnegie-Brown, Chairman, Lloyd's of London
In our latest Executive Conversation, Bruce Carnegie-Hall of Lloyd’s of London sits down with Anthony Bice. In the video – which was filmed in late 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic – Bruce talks about his vision to turn Lloyd’s of London into the most advanced insurance marketplace in the world.
The State Of The Financial Services Industry 2020: When Vision And Value Collide
This year’s State Of The Financial Services Industry report looks at the collision that is taking place in financial services between the vision and value mindset. How firms resolve this conflict – between the desire to reimagine the business for the long-term and the need to remain disciplined and profitable in the short-term – will define the industry in the coming years.

Bancassurance In Asia - Six Ways To Accelerate Value Creation
Bancassurance has increased in strategic importance for both banks and insurers in Asia. In this article we highlight six factors that banks and insurers should consider to continue accelerating value creation for themselves, as well as serve their customers better.

Jumping Forward – Compliance In Insurance
As an insurance leader, you may already be considering how to address regulatory and risk management challenges. Our paper delves into the challenges and impacts our clients are facing, and presents the strategic changes and quick-wins needed to effectively manage compliance.

Since its launch in 2015, Getsafe has gained more than 80,000 customers and sold more than 90,000 policies, becoming a premier insurance brand for millennials in Germany in the process. Watch as Dietmar Kottmann talks to its Co-Founder and CEO, Christian Wiens.