Industrial Disaster Recovery

Industrial Disaster Recovery

Transforming Catastrophe Into Opportunity

Natural catastrophes have always been a part of the wild, volatile and unpredictable world we live in. Corporations have learned to live with the threat and, for the most part, were prepared to overcome them, embodying the saying “What does not kill me makes me stronger”

However, something has changed in the last two decades. Globalization and fragmentation of supply chains, reduced inventories and just-in-time strategies, and the high variety of technical complexity of end products have made corporations much more vulnerable to natural catastrophes. Even if such threats are characterized by a relatively low probability of occurrence, leaders should not underestimate the potential impact on their business, and must ensure that appropriate preparedness plans are in place when the next crisis strikes.

In our latest paper, Industrial Disaster Recovery, we use dramatic real-life examples to demonstrate how speed, consistency and a disciplined approach can ensure a successful recovery plan. Furthermore, we illustrate how diligent planning and scenario based analysis can enable organizations to convert a devastating event into an opportunity for operational improvement and transformation.

A disaster recovery consists of three phases, which are undertaken in parallel following the disaster

“Black swans” theory teaches us that it’s useless trying to predict such events [natural catastrophes] and that companies have no other choice than to develop their robustness and resilience.
Jérôme Bouchard, Partner, Manufacturing Operations Practice

Industrial Disaster Recovery