Prospering in a Cash Constrained World

Prospering in a Cash Constrained World

Emerging risks are developing into pressing threats. Two storms – environmental and economic – are on a collision course as more frequent extreme weather events and rising fiscal deficits threaten future global prosperity.

Five years after the Lehman crisis, we are seeing signs that the developed world has begun to regain confidence. Now, however, it is the emerging markets that seem vulnerable as they come to the end of a protracted period of growth fueled in large part by cheap money from the West. The seven articles in this chapter discuss how emerging risks are forming the backdrop of a new risk management landscape – and how companies can raise their game to deal with them.reshaping their business models and changing tactics in reaction to some of these trends. Other perspectives examine how new developments are redefining entire industries, ranging from financial services to energy.

Prospering in a Cash Constrained World