Automotive Manager 1/2011

Automotive Manager 1/2011

Automotive markets are humming and the potential for growth is huge. Recent projections show that global vehicle sales will climb to about 108 million by 2017. Manufacturers and suppliers that want to profit over the long term from this upswing must adapt themselves to new market conditions and new customer needs.

Without a doubt, the BRIC countries and the next generation of emerging markets will drive this growth. The clear focus of work here must be to modify products to satisfy the needs of specific markets and establish a brand foothold. While the car will remain the status symbol in emerging markets for many years, people in major Western metropolitan areas with finely woven networks of public transportation will be searching for more flexible transportation models. This transition will force the automotive industry to face fundamental challenges. To respond strategically to these trends, companies must recalibrate their business models and forge alliances with the right partners.

Against this backdrop, many sections of the growth agenda of automakers and suppliers must be reprioritized. You will find ideas for setting the right priorities in the latest issue of our AUTOMOTIVE MANAGER.

Automotive Manager 1/2011