It is time to retool and refocus Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) towards risk-reward optimization. For many health care providers, initial ERM efforts concentrated on identifying and assessing downside operational and business risks. However, ERM’s true value-added benefits are realized when risk information is integrated with business decisions to enable management to protect and enhance organizational value in the face of risks and uncertainties. For leading organizations this is the next phase of ERM development.
Insights How Caring Brands Can Rise Above COVID-19 Interview with Malina Ngai, Group COO and Asia & Europe CEO of A.S. Watson -
Podcast Hydrogen For The Long Haul What possible solutions are there to reduce emissions or de-carbonize road transport? -
Insights Turning A Crisis Into A Catalyst For Change Ferran Reverter Planet is Chief Executive Officer of the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group, Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. -
Insights Accelerating Adaptation At Pandemic Pace Interview with Gaston Bottazzini, Chief Executive Officer at Falabella S.A.