Sibos 2019

Sibos 2019

Location: London Date: 23 - 26 September 2019


This year Oliver Wyman will again be participating in the annual Sibos Conference organised by SWIFT, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, a global provider of secure financial messaging services. What started out as a banking operations seminar in 1978, has grown into the premier business forum for the global financial community to debate and collaborate in the areas of payments, securities, cash management, and trade. The conference theme for 2019 is ‘Thriving in a hyper-connected world’ and aims to assess the challenges and opportunities in light of mass digitisation and data-driven relationships.


A team of Partners from across Oliver Wyman's digital, corporate and institutional, and public policy practices  will take the stage at Sibos 2019 and sharing their views on the key themes throughout the week.


Cybersecurity: Managing Counterparty Risk 

Sunday, 22nd September

Rico Brandenburger will join a  panel discussion at the BAFT 11th Global Councils Forum


How Greenfield Can Transform Corporate Banking

Tuesday, 24th September

GTB leaders roundtable breakfast discussing our report How Greenfield Can Transform Corporate Banking


Why is cyber risk the most critical risk that FMIs are managing today?

Wednesday, 25th September

Daniela Peterhoff joins a spotlight session that will look at how critical financial infrastructures are preparing to respond and recover from cyber attacks


How the UK financial services sector is collaboratively protecting itself from the increasing cyber threat

Thursday, 26th September

Mark James will join UK Finance on a panel to discuss the Financial Sector Cyber Collaboration Centre (FSCCC), a world-leading, truly public and private partnership focused on improving the UK finance sector’s cyber defences.


For a full view of the conference programme, please click here.




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One Western Gateway
London, E16 1XL