In a retail landscape increasingly buffeted by online and hard discount formats, traditional players find themselves looking for answers. This latest volume of The Oliver Wyman Retail Journal provides perspectives on how to win in an increasingly tough environment. We address how to achieve like-for-like growth in stagnant and competitive markets; we examine the threat and the promise of on-line retailing; we discuss powerful ways of dealing with low-price competition; and we provide perspectives on such evergreen topics as margin management, reducing waste and driving down costs.
Insights Making The Invisible Visible Women are still passed over for the most senior leadership roles with only one in four executives female. What's preventing progress on women in leadership? -
Insights How Caring Brands Can Rise Above COVID-19 Interview with Malina Ngai, Group COO and Asia & Europe CEO of A.S. Watson -
Insights Accelerating Adaptation At Pandemic Pace Interview with Gaston Bottazzini, Chief Executive Officer at Falabella S.A. -
Insights Turning A Crisis Into A Catalyst For Change Ferran Reverter Planet is Chief Executive Officer of the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group, Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer.