Managing Human Capital Risk

Managing Human Capital Risk

Planning today for tomorrow’s workforce

Shifting demographics, globalization, andtechnology are significantly changing themix and location of the talent available tofirms. Despite high levels of unemployment,employers are struggling to find employeeswith the skills they need.

In this context, senior management needsto consider whether they will be able tofind, attract, and retain the talent needed toexecute their business strategies.

Recent Mercer research shows that whiletalent is a primary source of competitiveadvantage, many business leaders stillconsider the lack of adequate talent pipelinesa critical business challenge. Sixty percent of1,268 organizations surveyed in 65 countriesare investing more in talent by devoting moreresources to strategic workforce planninginitiatives such as recruitment, rewards, andretention. Yet more than half (62 percent) ofrespondents consider their workforce plansto be only “somewhat effective” in meetingimmediate and long-term human capitalneeds. Worse, the majority (54 percent) haveplans in place that extend only one year orhave no plan at all.

Managing Human Capital Risk