Inequality reigns in Europe’s financing markets. Many companies have exceptionally good access to the capital market; on the other hand, investors and creditors are facing immense challenges, as it has never been so difficult to assess the value of stressed and distressed businesses and to decide how best to protect, increase and extract this value.
Insights Social Justice, Financial Regulation, and The Biden Administration Social justice was a key campaign theme for President Joe Biden. There is every reason to believe this theme will be applied to financial regulation. -
Insights Implementation Of Sustainable Development Goals Recommendations for potential mitigation actions to achieve access to third-party data sources. -
Journals Changing Consumers, New Opportunities We interviewed global senior retail executives for the Retail And Consumer Journal, Volume 8, on the pandemic challenges they faced and the new opportunities it provided. -
Insights How Caring Brands Can Rise Above COVID-19 Interview with Malina Ngai, Group COO and Asia & Europe CEO of A.S. Watson