Your customers' waistlines are a matter of national importance. The UK government is continuing to face pressure to do more to reduce the prevalence of obesity and reduce the £5.1 billion bill to the NHS due to managing obesity-related diseases like Type 2 diabetes.
We have calculated that the UK needs to lose around 343 million kilograms of fat. Tackling this problem is going to require a radical step-change in how everyday people understand nutrition, exercise, and how they use that information to change their habits. In this report, we suggest ways that large retailers can help their customers create a virtuous cycle of behaviour change that improves their weight and health while also delivering a real benefit to the business' brands and bottom line.

By providing customers with an easy route to increased wellness, grocers could address the problem of falling market share and negate any possible price wars that lie aheadDr Nick Harrison Partner and European Retail Practice Co-Leader
Fighting Fat Fact File