Personal Services to Individuals

Personal Services to Individuals

Impact Assessment of the Latest Regulatory Initiatives

Oliver Wyman with the FESP (Fédération du Service aux Particuliers) released the report ”Impact Assessment of the Latest Regulatory Initiatives in Personal Services to Individuals.”

The ”Personal Services to Individuals” sector plays a key role in the French economy, encompassing 1.1% of the nation’s GDP and 6% of employment. Since 2011, the sector has experienced a significant drop in activity. The report examines the reasons behind the sharp decrease and quantifies the financial impact of existing and potential regulatory reforms.

The FESP represents all private players in the Personal Services to Individuals sector, comprising more than 20,000 organizations and 21 different professions. It is the only organization in France to involve all relevant stakeholders: service providers, authorized representatives, direct employers, and large companies.


Personal Services to Individuals