Fixed-line network providers are losing market share and revenue in the core voice business. To remain competitive, they will have to move beyond staff cuts and take advantage of Web-based channels to automate their processes and simplify their product mixes.
Insights Applying The Urgency Of Solving COVID To Climate Change As we emerge from COVID-19, let’s harness the necessary spirit of collective endeavor in our fight for a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future. -
Insights Social Justice, Financial Regulation, and The Biden Administration Social justice was a key campaign theme for President Joe Biden. There is every reason to believe this theme will be applied to financial regulation. -
Insights Turning A Crisis Into A Catalyst For Change Ferran Reverter Planet is Chief Executive Officer of the MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group, Europe’s leading consumer electronics retailer. -
Insights Retail’s Revolution - How To Navigate It?