
In the Liquidity Hot Seat or Driver's Seat?

Effective liquidity management practices for the pandemic crisis

Date: May 21, 2020 | 12:00- 1:00 PM ET


The global economic slowdown caused by COVID-19 has highlighted the critical importance of robust liquidity and cash management.

Now, more than ever, boards and senior management are reliant on treasurers to navigate this crisis amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic progression and corresponding economic impacts. Treasurers are taking the lead in defining and gaining alignment with senior stakeholders on boundaries for liquidity risk, understanding how to forecast liquidity across a range of potential outcomes, and making vital decisions considering financial and non-financial impacts on the company and the broader ecosystems of employees, customers, and suppliers.

Join Oliver Wyman and the Association for Financial Professionals for a webinar, entitled "Treasurer: In the Liquidity Hot Seat or Driver's Seat?"  This session will examine effective practices to manage liquidity through the current crisis and share viewpoints from the consultancy and cross-industry corporate treasury perspectives.
