By 2030, UNWTO is expecting 1.8 billion international tourists thanks to continued global economic dynamism. Travel and tourism today is open to vast numbers of people across the globe, in every country and on every continent, and is no longer a privilege enjoyed by the wealthy few. But the ultimate objective and goal of travel has remained constant: to experience something new, authentic, and unique. New trends coupled with rapid growth are reshaping the tourism industry and understanding those forces is key for stakeholders to redefine their value proposition and meet customer behaviors and expectations. The growth of tourism worldwide is being accompanied by new trends, such as digital experiences, social media, and the sharing economy. These shifts will all have an important impact on tourism and on the industry, as will the challenges of sustainable development and heritage preservation, which are becoming increasingly complex.
Our report looks at how the challenges of the “Experience Revolution” represent a great opportunity for tourism actors to define their unique value proposition and stand out by providing unique quality experiences to attract global travelers.
Touchpoints in the Traveler's Journey