Dr. Susanna Zapreva
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Fast forward to the year 2030: What were your key products or services that made enercity a champion in helping B2C customers to reduce their carbon footprint?

In the same way many people take care of their health with a fitness watch today, they will also pay attention to their carbon footprint in the next decade. We will be the company that helps them reduce their carbon footprint.

Our energy efficiency products, our largely renewable electricity and heat production (electricity 80 % renewable, heat 75 % renewable) and our decentralised solutions in PV, heat pump, etc. will be crucial. Even private oil heating systems are a relic of yesterday. At home or on the road, our customers charge their e-vehicles quickly, cleanly and attractively priced at several thousand enercity charging points nationwide. And for those areas where CO2 cannot be avoided, we will offset the carbon footprint of our customers by having planted approximately 15 million deciduous trees.

What role will new and innovative products and services play in the sustainability portfolio of utilities?

The question of the role of utilities in 2030 is really exciting. I believe that utilities as we know them from the past will no longer exist. I think there will have been a transformation. In smart cities, there will also be smart infrastructure, smart mobility concepts with autonomously driving e-cars, smart factories or connected buildings that offer more comfort and security while consuming less energy due to smart technology. I think some utilities will take on the role as service provider for these products and services, while others will not be able to manage this change.

Why are utilities well positioned to help B2C customers to reduce their carbon footprint?

On the one hand, the complexity of this new digital and sustainable world is enormous. On the other hand, the topic is of enormous political importance and will continue to be a strong focus of politics. Local energy service providers are predestined to act at the interface between customers and politics and are able to master this complexity. Added to this is the high level of trust that these companies enjoy among the people. At enercity, we have been shaping the urban energy transition with the citizens for years – close to the people. This will continue to be the case in the future.