
New Rules for Private Equity

The latest perspectives on how new risk and rewards are redefining US deal-making. Education, Financial Services, Healthcare and Insurance outlook.

Date: Oct 19, 2022


Faced with contracting markets in a global economy and a political environment that continues to look like a dicey place for investors, now, more than ever, private equity dealmakers are looking to develop even particularly nuanced industry outlooks. From labor shortages to digitization, we explored how these mounting risks can lead to rewards with the right strategies.

As these trends play out differently across each market, we analyzed and discussed their effects on four key sectors: Education, Financial Services, Healthcare and Insurance. Learn how current market dynamics could inform your strategies at the end of 2022 and the start of 2023. Topics addressed included:

  • Shifting industry dynamics
  • Deal volumes
  • Attractive deal areas within our Industries

