Roundtable Oliver Wyman - EBG on Procurement

Roundtable Oliver Wyman - EBG on Procurement

Location: Paris Date: Jan 18, 2017


On Thursday January 19, Oliver Wyman, in partnership with EBG, hosted in our Paris office a CPO round table with 5 guest speakers on how companies can deploy a collaborative innovation approach with their suppliers to further expand the bounds of innovation.

More than 60 CPOs from various industries discussed and debated answers to the following questions:
How to turn the Purchasing Division into an innovation driver?
While supervising costs and processes, the Purchasing Director must also be positioned as an innovation player in the organization. This requires a phased approach, starting with sourcing innovative suppliers, and may even involve the creation of long-term partnerships with emerging or breakthrough technology players.

To succeed in this new mission, what additional capabilities, processes and organization must be established to support startups in their response to consultations, contract with developing structures, and promote innovation internally?
Where should innovation be positioned in the purchasing cycle?

  1. How to ensure the interface between Purchasing and the divisions responsible for innovation across the organization?
  2. How to support innovative partners in their development?
  3. How can the Purchasing division best contribute to managing the risks related to innovation?

This event formed part of a series organized by Oliver Wyman and EBG throughout the year specifically for CPOs.
For more information, please visit the EBG website.