2016 Phoenix Sky Harbor International Aviation Symposium

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Aviation Symposium 2016

The most exclusive gathering in the industry

Location: Arizona Date: May 9-11, 2016


The City of Phoenix and Oliver Wyman are proud to present the 25th Annual Phoenix Sky Harbor International Aviation Symposium

The Symposium is an unrivaled and exclusive industry event that brings together a diverse mix of senior executives from major US and international carriers, senior domestic and international transportation officials and many other industry luminaries from around the globe.

Hot topics and emerging trends come to life as industry experts share their views and insights in a lively panel format.

The event concludes with an all-star line up of airline CEOs providing their thoughts on what is on the horizon for the next 25 years and how their carrier will succeed.



Monday, May 9

6.00pm – 8.00pm         Opening Cocktail Reception

Monday, May 10

7:30am – 5:00pm        Registration Opens

7:30am – 8:30am        Breakfast

8:30am – 8:35am        Welcome & Symposium Kick-off

8:35am – 10:00am      The Future of Partnerships: From KL/NW to the Ongoing Subsidy Battle,
                                                    What's Next?
                                            Is an "alliance" enough or is a portfolio of relationships required?
                                            How are bilateral relationships changing the alliances?
                                            Can they still grow? Will the LCCs join the party? Will foreign-ownership
                                            limits ever be lifted?

10:00am– 10:30am     Break 

10:30am – 12:00pm    Improved Reliability and Infrastructure: What’s the Answer?
                                            On time performance is at an all-time high, but is it here to stay given
                                            nextGen European ATC challenges, airport infrastructure, employees, 
                                            aging and updated fleets and regulatory oversight?
                                            Are we ready for the return to peak traffic volumes?

12:00pm – 1:30pm      Lunch

1:30pm – 2:30pm        The Battle for the Customer: What Do Customers Really Want and
                                                    How Will Buy in the Future?

                                            What is the vision for customer engagement in 2025?
                                            Is the battle in the air, on the ground, or elsewhere?
                                            Amenitites are returning and loyality programs
                                            are changing.                                             
                                            What can a carrier do to create true differentiation in as
                                            sustainable way?
                                            Which new players could alter the economics of distribution?
                                            Are there new technologies that hold great promise for 
                                            improving the customer experience?                                                                             

3:00pm – 3:30pm        Break

3:30pm – 5:00pm        Hubs, Bases and Focus Cities: Different Networks for Different Designs
                                            What's the difference and when should an airline (or airport) aspire to each?
                                            How will flows evolve?
                                            Are there lessons from the US for Europe or visa versa?
                                            How is re-hubbing, re-banking, new aircraft technology, etc. affecting
                                            networks? Are LCC international services a game changer?
                                            Will the airline within an airline model be successful in Europe?    

6:00pm – 9:00pm        Cocktail Recption & Dinner

Monday, May 11

7:30am – 12:00pm      Regististration Opens

7:30am – 8:30am        Breakfast   

8:30am – 8:35am        Day 2 Kick-off                                          

8:35am – 9:45am        25 Years of Lessons Learned: From Open Skies to Bankruptcies to
                                                    ULCCs to Consolidation

                                            Where we right? How did it end?
                                            A look back at the biggest issues from prior symposiums including labor,  
                                            alliances, mergers, foreign investment and new technology to name a few.

9:45am– 10:15am        Break

10:15am – 11:55am     Executive Panel 
                                            C-suite industry leaders discuss issues of today and tomorrow.

11:55am – 12:00pm     Wrap-up and Thank You



Phoenix Sky Harbor International Aviation Symposium is grateful to all of the innovative organizations providing sponsorship.