Roundtable Oliver Wyman – Digital Manufacturing

Roundtable Oliver Wyman – Digital Manufacturing

Location: Paris Date: December 8, 2016


Oliver Wyman hosted a workshop for senior directors from industrial companies to discuss the impact of digital transformation.  The session focused on the digital impact on working methods, the organization and the human resources required to develop “the factory of the future”. We had testimonials from industry leaders on the solutions they have implemented to stay ahead of the competition, as well as collaborations from working with start-ups.


18:00  – 18:15             Welcome

18 :15 – 18 :20            Introduction by our Partner Mr. Gilles Roucolle

18 :20 – 18 :50            Presentation of OW study on collaboration between start-ups and large groups

18 :50 – 19 :50            Presentation of 4 concrete cases by industrialists and Q & A

19 :50 – 20 :00            Q&A

20 :00 – 21 :00            Cocktail
