Christian Edelmann And Kirsty McKnight Awarded Rising Star Awards
Christian Edelmann And Kirsty McKnight Awarded Rising Star Awards

We are delighted to announce that Christian Edelmann and Kirsty McKnight have been awarded We Are The City’s Rising Star Awards 2020 in the Men for Gender Balance and Professional Services categories.

Christian is the first recipient of the Men for Gender Balance award. The award was introduced this year to showcase senior men who are championing women and gender balance inside their organisation.

Now in their sixth year, the Rising Star Awards were introduced to showcase the UK pipeline of female talent below management and to create female 100 role models across different industries and professions.

Christian Edelmann is Co-Head EMEA Financial Services and Global Head Wealth and Asset Management practice at Oliver Wyman. He is also the Executive Sponsor of Oliver Wyman’s Women’s Network and a co-founder of Men4Change, a network to create and support male allies and advocates for gender equality in the workplace. Read Christian’s ‘HeForShe’ article here.

Kirsty McKnight is a Consultant working on projects across multiple industries but with a strong focus on the financial services sector. She works on a variety of different challenges including leadership effectiveness, cyber security and anti-money laundering. She has also played an active role in Oliver Wyman’s community co-leading our campus recruitment sponsorships and the women’s network external engagements, focusing on ensuring we hire and retain the best talent.

Read more about the awards and see the full results here.