Covid-19 Primer Special Edition

Covid-19 Primer Special Edition

This was first published on September 3, 2020.

Editor's note: Oliver Wyman is monitoring the COVID events in real-time and we have compiled resources to help our clients and the industries they serve. Please continue to monitor the Oliver Wyman Coronavirus hub for updates.

Since the very first COVID-19 cases in the region, Oliver Wyman’s dedicated team of specialists have been compiling the latest developments, country-specific infection forecasts, economic analyses, key research digests, and news round-ups from local media sources. In this COVID-19 Primer Special Edition, you will find key elements on the global pandemic such as viral mutations, second wave prevention, vaccine trials but also national insights on responding and testing policies in the GCC.


Historical development of lockdown measures based on the Government Response Stringency Index*  Since 1-March

Note (*): The Stringency Index, developed by the University of Oxford, is a number from 1 to 100 that reflects the stringency of government response to COVID-19. Sources: OW Pandemic Navigator Model, Our World in Data (link), and the University of Oxford (link).


Covid-19 Primer Special Edition



Amneh Tarkhan, Hala Al Salem, Ghazi Al Naqeeb, Futha Al Abdulrazzaq, Saad Al Shihabi , Marwan Lasheen, Fawaz Al Enzi, Essa Khajah