Imke Wouters | Retail And Consumer Goods | Hong Kong
Imke Wouters
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Imke started her consulting career in the Netherlands and moved to China in 2010 when an opportunity came up to support the growth of the Shanghai office. She covers Greater China and South-East Asia and works both with retailers and consumer goods companies as well as with Private Equity companies. 

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I love the dynamics of China and South-East Asia and the fast pace of change. It is a fascinating market to work in

Imke works with retailers and consumer goods companies on growth strategies to maintain and accelerate their growth as well on organization effectiveness to have the right organization to support their strategies. She also works with Private Equity companies on transaction support in the consumer space as well as on strategic support for their portfolio companies.

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We support the client during every stage of their journey. This has spanned from designing a market entry strategy for China, to opening a China office, to developing a stronger overall presence in the market. Having an understanding of what it takes to make a strategy a reality is what has made me a better and more practical consultant.

Imke now lives in Hong Kong with her husband and four young kids, where they enjoy spending time outdoors: either hiking into the mountains or exploring new beaches on their paddle boards. She studied International Business and Law at Maastricht University in the Netherlands for which she also spent some time in Canada and China.