The Telegraph: Roianne Nedd On The Need For More Diversified Inclusion Policies

More women than ever are choosing an entrepreneurial career path- and now, at a faster rate than men. While this is an inspiring statistic, women still face adversity in their entrepreneurial journeys, especially women of color. Data from the Rose Review outlines the challenges faced by ethnic minority business owners. 
Roianne Nedd, Global Director of Inclusion and Diversity at Oliver Wyman and DEI expert shares her insight in resolving these challenges: “Diversity is one of the first casualties when businesses are overwhelmed or undergoing change." 
Roianne emphasizes the importance of going beyond 'surface diversity' as a way to combat these challenges, “At this point corporates tend to revert to type and focus only on very surface diversity, such as gender and ethnicity, without digging deeper and looking at topics such as social mobility and intersectionality.”
Read the whole article here