Series: Blurring the Boundaries of Healthcare

Series: Blurring the Boundaries of Healthcare


Predictions on the next wave of innovation, what consumers really want, and how it's all impacting employer benefits.

Oliver Wyman Health

2 min read

In this series of articles below (Chapter 2 of Oliver Wyman's Health Innovation Journal: Volume 2we examine how healthcare is blurring boundaries and becoming a more traditional retail experience. Blurring boundaries is about reflecting on intelligent insights to move forward in the smartest, fastest, and most optimal direction possible, instead of just being left behind. In this chapter, we predict what the next wave of innovation will look like. We discuss the gap between what consumers want versus what they actually experience. And we look at why paying more is better for your wallet, and your health.

Banging Down The New Front Door: Redefining Healthcare's Front End

Will innovation over the next decade exist in the shadows, or in the spotlight? We examine healthcare's race to redefine care delivery from inaccessible to accessible, clinical to convenient, and centralized to available whenever and wherever consumers demand care. Prepare for a reinvented front door, which we highlight across four dimensions.

Insurers And Healthcare Providers Don't Need To Copy Amazon: They Just Have to Persuade People to Like Them

According to Oliver Wyman's recent Consumer Survey of US Healthcare, healthcare consumers have a pretty favorable view of retail and technology organizations. But they're still a bit dubious of these companies getting into healthcare. Consumers see the healthcare industry evolving, but they're still not quite sure how the changes happening around them will really benefit their health. Learn more about what our research found, and why it matters.

The Better Benefit Stack

Employees are now getting less, even though they're paying more. As their benefits shrink and their deductibles rise, costs and employee burden just increases. We examine why the system continues to fail and what's being done to shake up the status quo. At the end of the day, consumers are willing to pay more...when they get more in return, that is.

  • Oliver Wyman Health