Health Reform and Moving Forward

Health Reform and Moving Forward


While health reform may temporarily be stalled, there are many strategic implications for key players in the industry.

Todd Van Tol

3 min read

It has been an extraordinary few weeks. Just 18 days after the House GOP’s American Health Care Act (AHCA) was introduced, it was pulled from the House floor and shelved. Although there remains murmurs of resurrecting the bill for a floor vote, the conversation has largely shifted from tax credits and Medicaid per capita caps to “now what?”

At Oliver Wyman, we are keeping a close eye on both events in Washington and market moves. For while health reform may be temporarily stalled, the mercurial regulatory moment we’re in still has many strategic implications for key players in the industry. In any case, for most healthcare players, the real temptation to wait-and-see at this moment carries with it the risk of being caught unprepared when changes unfold quickly.

Our Health & Life Sciences practice is committed to helping healthcare organizations navigate the complexity of the near-term market – and beyond. We will continue to monitor policy developments and market trends. Expect perspectives on these topics in the coming weeks:

  1. HHS administrative actions that can affect the individual markets: nullification of cost-sharing subsidies and weakening of the individual mandate
  2. Lay of the land for the 2018 ACA exchange market: can we expect drastic changes in rates? Enrollment?
  3. Implications of greater state flexibility in administering health programs: how will the granting of additional Section 1332 waivers and Medicaid Section 1115 Demonstrations affect how healthcare is administered in different state landscapes
  • Todd Van Tol