Pradeep Suresh | Energy And Natural Resources | Houston
Pradeep Suresh
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With over ten years of experience in the industry, Pradeep has held leadership positions in Dow, DuPont, and Solenis. Pradeep has led and delivered global programs in pricing, commercial excellence, operations and growth strategy across numerous chemical companies and has a track record of working in close partnership with and creating tangible value for his clients.

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I have always had a passion for chemistry, math, and logic growing up. Engineering taught me problem solving skills, and earning my PhD taught me how to break down broad problems and persist in solving them. Likewise, working in the Chemical industry gave me practical learnings from successes and failures in implementing my ideas. My current job combines all these experiences to make me a better consultant for my clients.

Pradeep’s expertise lies within helping Chemical companies unlock profits by building their pricing and commercial capabilities. With the rapidly changing supply, demand and trade environment as well as fierce competition in stagnating markets, maximizing returns from pricing and commercial models has become critical, and Pradeep makes every effort to help clients understand where to play and how to win.

When asked about the challenges and opportunities shaping the Chemical industry, Pradeep points to record-breaking M&A activity, activist investors who want to shape companies from the outside, and immense volatility with oil prices and ongoing trade wars. He believes that companies that embrace these challenges and convert them into opportunities will outperform ones that have ‘one size fits all’ approaches and aren’t willing to adapt to change.

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Speaking of change, a major turning point for me was when I was exposed to consulting for the first time in my industrial career. Until that point, I vaguely had an idea of what consultants do but when I was part of a consulting engagement as the corporate focal point, I really saw how fun and gratifying it was to be a consultant and understood the value they generate for corporations. I was hooked and never looked back after that.