Video: Aneesh Chopra Predicts the Future of Data Liberation

Video: Aneesh Chopra Predicts the Future of Data Liberation


Insights on Apple Health, open data, and harnessing the Internet's power and potential to improve healthcare.

Aneesh Chopra

3 min read

Is building an Internet within the Internet the secret to data liberation?

In this video from the 2018 Health Innovation Summit, Aneesh Chopra, President of CareJourney and former (and very first) Chief Technology Officer under Barack Obama, discusses open data's greatest potential and why he's "FHIRed" up for Apple Health's future.

Video Highlights

  • "What digital platform was the fastest to reach 1 billion users? Snapchat? Facebook? All of that is very US-centric. The answer is the government of India." [3:08] 
  • "How do we get everyone [in India] connected to phone service? A country of 300 million people had 300,000 landlines. At the rate at which they were going, it would have been decades before they'd make connectivity — and worse, urban would go first and rural would be last." [5:05]
  • "They decided to demo for President Obama an idea that they could assign a unique digital identity [like iris scans and fingerprints] to everybody in [India]. In less than six years, over a billion people signed up for this service. And it has fundamentally transformed how they interact with every institution." [6:59]
  • "A street sweeper in India with no home, but a flip phone, can now schedule an appointment online with any of the government's hospitals and clinics." [7:55]
  • "Thankfully, with open data, we're starting to see the feedback loop. This is not going away." [12:55]
  • "The way to change the game? Establish an Internet within the Internet, or what the nerds in Washington call 'a tailored, trustworthy space,' or what Engineers might [call] 'an API-based economy.' That's a lot of jargon. Here's what it means. In health, energy, [and] education, the laws are clear. The consumer is entitled to their information and the freedom to connect it to the applications or services they trust.'" [17:05]
  • "Yes, I happen to be an Apple Health 'fanboy.' But that's not why I'm excited about Apple Health. I'm excited about Apple Health, because it's a representation of the API-based economy coming to healthcare." [20:04]
  • "[Apple is] a tougher enforcement cop on government standards than the government. That's not to say negative things about the government. It's because we didn't specify a specific technical approach. Apple did. It's the FHIR API which you're going to hear a lot about from your IT people." [23:22]
  • "Employers have the ability to allow consumers to invoke their right of access to ensure that an app of their choice is the aggregator of their health information." [23:54]
  • Aneesh Chopra