Sam Glick On The Amazon-Chase-Berkshire Trifecta


In a recent "Fast Company" article, Oliver Wyman's Sam Glick explains his views on what the creation of a new and powerful trifold healthcare company means for the greater industry.

Sam Glick

3 min read

In a Fast Company article, "Why The Amazon-Chase-Berkshire Trifecta Is Healthcare Fanfic In The Making", Sam Glick, Partner, Health & Life Sciences, Oliver Wyman, discusses how a recent announcement from Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway to start their own independent healthcare company is expected to disrupt the greater healthcare industry. Although the announcement was vague regarding further details, Sam says it signals a true wake-up call for the healthcare industry. Glick was also quoted on recent events in Politico and The New York Times. Here are a few excerpts:

It’s much more consumer oriented and much less partner-with-the-good-parts-of-the-system-oriented than I think any other announcement we’ve seen.
Imagine Alexa offering triage care at home, while Amazon-owned Whole Foods handles primary care at its in-store clinics—where customers will also be able to get nutritional support and customized meal plans. (It might even remind you to exercise regularly.)
What helps support this extravagant vision is that the trio of companies have decided to make this new initiative an independent entity. “The conventional advice is if you really want to move fast, if you want to do something different, don’t keep it within the current org structure,” says Glick. “Give it independent governance, give it independent capital, and let it move fast, let it do something disruptive.”
  • Sam Glick