George Nessim | Actuarial | Milwaukee
George Nessim
Senior Manager
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George is a senior manager at Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting and has been with the firm since 2022.

Recently, he has been working on health plan pricing, network cost performance, reimbursement benchmarking, and value-based contracts. He also directs our transparency data advisory board.

George is an associate in the Society of Actuaries and a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He has worked with hospital leadership, benefit managers, and provider contractors to drive efficient and adequate provider networks. Additionally, he has worked with insurers building risk adjusted provider benchmarks, network pricing inputs and developed methods of selecting and sculpting networks that sync with plan design incentives.

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The most rewarding moments in my career have involved collaborating with stakeholders to identify key levers of profitability and developing models that value and guide high impact action for their businesses

George holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities and currently resides in the Minneapolis area.

Outside of work, George enjoys spending time with his family and exploring the outdoors.