Dagny Grillis | Actuarial | Atlanta
Dagny Grillis
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Dagny is a principal at Oliver Wyman Actuarial Consulting in Atlanta, where she leads the health data and analytics team.

With more than 10 years of industry experience, Dagny has extensively collaborated with healthcare clients on complex data analysis and business intelligence initiatives. 

Throughout her career, Dagny has made significant contributions to the healthcare sector. She has deep experience in Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) reimbursement and played a key role in  the development of a reporting tool that provides detailed claim line information, along with summaries of medical claims repriced to Medicare FFS rates. Her collaborations with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) on projects such as the Part D Modernization Model and the CMMI Value Based Insurance Design (VBID) Hospice Capitation teams have been noteworthy, where she lent her expertise in coding, data analytics, modeling, and peer review.

Dagny has also successfully managed a national ACA risk adjustment reporting project, supervising data processing, reporting, and client support for more than 70 clients nationwide. Furthermore, she has played a significant role in the product development lifecycle for various actuarial tools.

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My mission is to leverage my problem-solving abilities to empower clients in optimizing their performance, mitigating risks, and achieving their goals. I am driven by a deep passion for continuous learning and the application of cutting-edge technologies to elevate the quality of my work

Prior to her current role, Dagny worked in the payer space, focusing on actuarial data analytics and pricing. Her academic background includes graduate research in partial differential equations, resulting in the publication of several papers in esteemed mathematical journals. Dagny also minored in statistics and taught undergraduate statistics and mathematics classes while completing her doctorate.

She earned her PhD in Mathematical Sciences from Mississippi State University and is a distinguished Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, as well as a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.

Outside of work, Dagny embraces the sunny and warm weather of Saint Petersburg, Florida, where she enjoys spending time at the beach and visiting Disney World. She is an avid reader and a fan of stand-up comedy. In her free time, you can find her in the company of her Yorkie, Jasmine, and two cats, Lando Catrissian and Wednesday Cattams.