Artem Ambartsumyan | Oliver Wyman Financial Services | Moscow
Artem Ambartsumyan
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A Principal in the Munich office, Artem spent close to two decades working in banking and insurance before joining Oliver Wyman in 2019. He’s held senior positions in risk, operational, and financial management in Russia and abroad. 

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Financial sector dynamics challenge our clients to find a working balance between pursuing long-term vision and delivering here and now. No matter the scale of disruption a project is intended to bring, it has to deliver tangible results and prove its feasibility from the first weeks of implementation onward.

With expertise in risk management, operational effectiveness, banking, and insurance, Artem has been involved in multiple transformations of risk management frameworks, where he’s helped to convert the regulatory exercise into a practical tool. He has also led several comprehensive cost optimization and operational effectiveness initiatives. “These programs impact all areas of company’s operation: products and services, organizations, management strategies, IT, and project costs,” he notes.

The ability to engage a company’s management team to ensure alignment and support to successfully overcome challenges is one of Artem’s greatest strengths. 

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I’ve seen organizations with highly scattered approach to risk management, where heads of various divisions had their own vision of each other’s goals. To make a project happen in environment like this, you need to build communication and cooperation between teams at all levels of management, agree on common terms and definitions, find a common language (literally), and ensure that all parties involved have common understanding of the goal. Jointly achieving a goal matters as much as technical aspect of project implementation.

Moving to management consulting was both a pivotal moment for Artem’s career and a substantial win for Oliver Wyman’s Moscow office. Artem’s background as a CRO and COO allows him to better understand the challenges financial organizations and their management face – and colleagues agree that this client-side experience in consulting has brought a valuable pragmatic perspective to project work.

When working on projects for clients in Russia and abroad, there’s immense value in Oliver Wyman’s international network of experts, Artem says. One of his recent projects for a Russian fintech client mobilized 30 Oliver Wyman colleagues across the globe. 

Artem is a graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at Moscow State University and also holds a CFA degree. He is fluent in Russian, English, and German.