Cloud-Based Aircraft Records Management Solutions

What We Do

Our aircraft records management team provides clients with reliable, fully accessible, cloud-based, end-to-end records management solutions. We leverage our proprietary tools and expertise to achieve long-term results. 

We provide audit, resolution, component configuration, and archiving solutions, and also employ a proprietary electronic record-keeping tool designed exclusively for aircraft and engine records. This tool offers optical character recognition capabilities, storage and indexing, rapid advanced searching, auto-indexing, and a secure online environment. Once configured, the system is easily accessible by any client-authorized user located anywhere with a secure internet connection and has the capability of interfacing with various monitoring and evaluation (M&E) IT systems.

Electronic Records Implementation and Management
We offer a range of services to support the digitization, migration, and indexing of important documents. We have expertise in using industry-leading platforms such as GE AirVault, FlyDocs, and Stream for the management of digital assets.
Records Auditing Services
We provide comprehensive auditing of maintenance records, with a focus on lease return/delivery preparation, audit preparation (DOD, Aging Aircraft, IOSA, Lessor, and conformity), claim research and review, Letters of Compliance, and M&E IT systems initial data load and audit. We also provide ongoing compliance monitoring services.
Technical Services
Our services extend to implementing a client-specific discrepancy resolution process and guaranteed turnaround-time workflow.
Archiving Services
We help our clients archive records by implementing high-speed scanning, indexing documents into an electronic recordkeeping system (via Iron Mountain or client preferred vendor) for filing and rapid search/retrieval, and long-term storage.

Who We Are