Wall Street Journal: Scot Hornick On Luxury Airline Amenities

In a Wall Street Journal story, titled “‘Heck, Yeah, We Took It’: Business-Class Fliers Are Filching All That Fancy Airline Swag”, Oliver Wyman partner Scot Hornick spoke about why airlines now have such great amenities.

“Airlines want to ensure they have made enough of an investment in their most valuable customers,” says Scot Hornick, a partner at Oliver Wyman, a consulting firm. High-end blankets and pillows when ordered in bulk cost the airline just around $8 to $10 apiece, he says, a relatively modest investment.

The article discuss how sometimes more extravagant the amenities are finding their way off the plane, with passengers walking off with duvets, memory-foam pillows and silverware.

To read the entire story, please click here.